Wateruseitwisely.com Guest Post
We were asked to write up a small post for crossposting on wateruseitwisely.com so here it is…
Water is not as abundant as you may think, in fact, fresh water only makes up for about 1% of the usable water on the Earth. Here are a few tips, in no particular order that I do to conserve my water consumption.
Reduce showering time.
- I take a 5 minute shower or less.
- Shower with a friend, but make it quick.
Don’t buy spring water
- Fill your own bottle up like a trendy SIGG or BPA-Free Plastic.
- Get a Pur or other filtered pitcher for your home or office.
- If you have to buy bottled water, recycle the container.
Toothbrushing and shaving
- Leave the water off unless you actually need it.
I can go on and on and I’m sure there are plenty of websites like WaterUseItWisely.com that tell you what you can do, but seriously, take a look around you do step it up.
We are greening our bathroom here at the Leafygreen.info and for starters we are installing low flow faucets and a dual flush toilet from Kohler, so please check out the site and follow us on twitter.com/leafygreeninfo to see the whole bathroom project unfold.
April 13, 2009 at 9:22 am
April 25, 2009 at 6:14 am
April 25, 2009 at 7:17 am
Water Conservation
January 9, 2012 at 12:59 am
I like the “water storage in snow” part…
Jeans pant use several thousnads of litters of clean water to make in large industrial methods. When they use cotton cultivated in the farms that use water supply to crops lands 80 days out of 90 days crop periods.We can reduce wasting water . In India we cultivate rain fed mountaineous soil tropical Muslin cotton .This was dumped by the Mills for the staple is short.This was natural and organic way of using sources. When mills can not use this short stapple we also stoped its cultivation since 1950.
Now this is organic
Now this is Organic Era Organically grown cotton is getting demand.It is GE -FREE crop rain fed grown only during a season of 6 months in a year one crop.
It uses only rain water .
Next comes when Jeans rope is made in mills and we bleach them with sun summer day-light tempratures (46 -degree centigrade today while I am typing this comments ) Next we ask our customers to do prewashing of our jeans in their home with any available organic herbal soap . In the event they do not get we will supply free 1000 grams organic wahisng power /liquid along with each purchase . This will last for 25 wahses.
When the pant is Speciality tailor made to required size and the shape and shades created only by the customer when they do their own wash.After 10 or 12 wash the pant is Indigo natural herb dyed show true beauty and natural colours. Then our customer will come to realise the fact that the fashion designers how they were fooling the masses with chemical colour as beauty and fashion. What people were made to percive as normal as told ture they percive it . Our jeans pant will now reveal the truth . It also cannot reveal to all persons her secrets ,it will do so only to her devotees. Here our customers who have faith and follow the maintance care with wash will be revealed.
The beauty will increase week after week ,at around 25 washes you will love it as it has life . Now let us think of the water it saved in our plant for wahsing to bring the above effect. It is impossible to bring it out as our buyers can as it is their own body shape and shades are from Indigo deep and light shades .This is orginal and true bubeauty and ehtical is fashion . The water our customers use carefully / waste now in their home is organic good for water ways and kitchen soil is improved one to organic. Atmosphere-nanoticals in and around is breathable. The colours sooths your eyes ,the entire surrounding gets serene look, it adds a new diamention psychologically to the man. This Indigo herb has power to detox human liver and body blood when the skin breaths it.Coal miners , Rail Road workers and Cow-boys used this blue not for fashion but because they required it to detox their blood when bees,spiders ,stings and mosquitos poisoned it. This is real wise use of water.The value increases of product increased use is the wisdom . Instead of using water and poisoning our waterways with chemical imagine what will be the effect if new self employed jeans maker in U.S.A. can pay attention to this as strategy along Organic Era.Frugal living has come inplace of use and throw consumers goods. Age of excess has ended . Mother earth need be set free from hopital soon. Dustbinisation of U.S. consumers can not come back again in the real economy days.Big businesses ,Chemical , Man Made plastics are dianosours that has been roaming this earth for undue length of time now.
America has sensitive skin to require Orgaqnic natural colours.Young America is ultra sensitive skin one. They have colour knowledge to appreciate nature and its training to percive ture colour is thier assest that must come to use now in the Organic Era.They need not love chemical colour as told by designers now they will use the colours that loves them back. This is one area one can experience this life better than we have been doing,in the process we save water ,re use it to garden plants and we get organic food to improve our health .
Thanks for sharing the info. Really find it helpful