The Battle of the Deodorants
In the right corner, we have Doctor Burt’s Herbal Deodorant aka “The Defender” and in the left corner, we have Tom’s of Maine’s natural deodorant stick. Now, it’s on to the Battle.
Primarily, I am a stick type of guy and not a big fan of sprays in general. The reasoning behind this is simple. The sprays are messier and I usually end up applying too much. During the test trial, I gave each deodorant a fair shot at the title. Here were my ground rules.
1) Apply two sprays of The Defender (aka Burt’s Bees) or two passes of the stick.
2) Spray or reapply stick post work and post exercise.
3) Test cleanliness after work, after exercise and before bed.
4) Look for visual issues from excess deodorant on shirts.
5) Reactions from friends and coworkers, both positive and negative.
6) Personal feelings on how the products worked.
The Tom’s of Maine Calendula Original Stick Deodorant is smooth, goes on clearish white and lasts the entire day. It smells like citrus and flowers but subtle. It’s not overbearing, not very musky, not very manly or girly. It’s got a nice blend of all natural and organic products like aloe vera, lemongrass oil and witch hazel water and my personal favorite, hops. The hops is a unique antimicrobial inhabitant which prevents the growth of odor-causing bacteria while reducing the possibility of skin irritation. I liked how the stick reacted during exercise and while sitting around also. It worked just like deodorants are supposed to work. I really did not need to reapply the deodorant often, I did apply it in the morning and after exercising or work (depending on the time) and it lasted and I remained dry and fresh. My shirts did not have the usual annoying white residue many traditional deodorants leave which is a huge plus for me. None of my friends noticed that I smelled different, but we don’t really smell each other. I did not notice that I smelled different after the deodorant settled into my skin. In the first few minutes of applying it was apparent, yet faded shortly after or my nose just got used to it.
The Burt’s Bees Doctor Burt’s Herbal Deodorant is a spray deodorant made from 99.92% Natural ingredients including SD Alcohol (from corn), water, sage, lavandin and lemon oils. I liked the idea of a spray, especially for those after exercising freshen-uppers, the oops… I forgot the deodorants rush to leave your house sprays and cause it’s a slight bit easier to apply. I liked this scent also. It was citrusy and fresh smelling and had a unisex scent. The bottle is made of a lightweight metal and is designed in friendly green packaging. However the uptime compared to the Tom’s is not there. It did not last as long and I could tell. I’d come home from work and noticed the stinky pits. Maybe other people could not tell, but I certainly could. I immediately sprayed again to freshen up and I was ready to roll. No one commented positively or negatively about my newly worn scent, but that did not stop me. There again was no visual markings left on my shirts which made me days!
And the winner is…
Tom’s of Maine’s Natural Deodorant. I liked the overall experience much better and I felt much better about my body’s odors while using this green, natural product. Post comments if you have any thoughts or questions, or email me above by using the Contact page.
You can take a look at where to purchase Tom’s and Burt’s products by clicking the previous names.
Technorati Tags: deodorant, green, green product reviews, natural, organic
gwen sutherland kaiser
July 11, 2007 at 8:01 am
July 17, 2007 at 11:12 am
i cannot find a good natural deo. you should perhaps review every brand on the market and rate them. i mean, it’s a real challenge. it’s the last toxic frontier to overcome in my life.
I used to have good luck with the Burt’s, but it seems like all the recent bottles were no good, even smelled badly. Even when I lived it, though, I had to spray about seven times on each side:)
I always had good luck with those salt rocks, but they tend to break and get scratchy.
Kiss My Face’s sticks last for about ten minutes on me and then leave a rash to boot! But their Liquid Rock is fantastic. I have no AC and bike/walk everywhere, and they hold up as well as the toxic stuff. They even have some nice scents, and the bottle lasts a long time. Weird to get used to a roll-on, though:)