Spurred on by the obscene amount of single use plastic bags, current ChicoBag president Andy Keller saw on a trip to the landfill and his way home one day in…
Something I probably do not need any more of is bags. However, after receiving this Engage Green bag I could not wait to use it. Mike and I were going…
She had a really cute reusable bag but it was stolen hence the review of Flip & Tumble. I particularly like that the Flip & Tumble 24-7 bag is so easy to roll into a ball. The ball I keep in my purse when shopping and in one easy step it becomes a shopping bag when grocery shopping.
I have recently been referred to as that girl who always has her own bag. … Being a sewer I can appreciate the time and care that was taken to create this handmade bag. … This bag folds nicely for storage, and the handle is the perfect length for me to carry comfortably over my shoulder.
The bags that I used are sturdy and fold up nicely into a larger bag for easy storage. … Bags that conveniently fold up are perfect for girls who don?t want to carry around more things with them.