From the makers of The Chillster, Stop Global Beer Warming created a Chillster pint glass made from PET (recycled plastic) that actually contains the same proprietary ice crystals that The Chillster does but inside the base of the pint glass. … Flying Dog is one of the pioneers of beer innovation with both web-based ideas such as The Open Source Project, blogs and microblogs as well as being cruelty-free and eco-friendly.
The bags that I used are sturdy and fold up nicely into a larger bag for easy storage. … Bags that conveniently fold up are perfect for girls who don?t want to carry around more things with them.
- May 21, 2008
My recycled car tire welcome mat had to be relocated to a new area to make room for the new, bright and squishy flip flop floor mat. … I opted to move it to another location and replace it with a brightly colored mat made of leftovers from a flip flop company.
- May 14, 2008
I collect unique bottle openers so one made completely of recycled 316 stainless steel brought a smile to my face. … I thought I was possibly doing something incorrectly so I gave the wristbands to different people and no one could get the wristband on either.
- May 6, 2008
This plush toy is safe for pets and made from re-engineered fibers that diverts unnecessary waste from going to your landfill, while taking six times less energy than producing fabric from virgin fibers. … ? Generally my dog will rip through these kinds of toys in just a few days, but this one has managed to last for some time now, without one single hole.
- April 23, 2008
It was actually kind of scary how she played so much, only because we?ve never seen her take to a toy like this. … They keep manufacturing in the US to provide quality jobs here at home, and they run an employee oriented outfit where they all are rewarded for the great work of the whole.
- April 9, 2008
No two hats are the same and you may be lucky enough to get one with Portuguese writing or printing on it! … In terms of the fit, I do not have a big head and the medium hat fit me snugly, but tight enough that the fierce wind did not blow it away walking out of the Atlantic City Beer Fest.
- April 8, 2008
Becky?s poster is printed on lightweight recycled paper, but it?s in Metric sizes (A1), so be warned if you want to mount it in a frame. … Becky is based out of the UK, so the poster was shipped overseas and it shows, but I think that adds to the character of the poster itself. If you don?t like either of those statements, I am sure you will be able to find something you will like.
- April 4, 2008