For most people, Earth Day is the once-a-year time that they are willing to pitch in and do something to help out the earth. This really shouldn’t be a once-a-year…
For most people, Earth Day is the once-a-year time that they are willing to pitch in and do something to help out the earth. This really shouldn’t be a once-a-year…
This year I spend my Earth Day and Earth Day weekend enjoying and helping nature. After work on Earth Day I enjoyed some local hiking while finishing up a geocaching…
I am very excited for Earth Day this year, mainly because I have committed to clean-up events for two nearby towns over the weekend. Though this isn’t very different from…
Get Outside! Find a way to get outdoors and give Mother Nature a hand. Go for a walk around your neighborhood or a hike through the woods. Now is the…
It’s not too difficult. If you want something to read, check out some of the older reviews, but don’t worry, we will be back tomorrow with more goodies for your reading pleasure. … Just leave a comment with what you are doing today to celebrate the Earth and your name will be selected randomly to win a shirt from a company of whose products we reviewed.