I recently had the pleasure of receiving a box of goodies from Back to Nature(www.backtonaturefoods.com) Simply put their products are delicious. It is obvious from the packaging to the quality…
Most people have a love/hate relationship with chocolate. It’s delicious, it’s addicting, and many people eat far too much of it. Myself included. When I had the opportunity to review…
- November 2, 2009
I have never been too big on sweets but every once in a while I enjoy a nice bit of chocolate. When I received some of Newman’s Own Organic Chocolate…
- August 17, 2009
Organic, vegan nutrition bars are actually hard to come by, especially ones that have a decent amount of protein and antioxidants and a good taste too. NuGo’s line of Go…
- July 6, 2009
Amazing Grass offers two products. SuperFood and SuperFood Bars but their wheat grass is different than most. It’s packed with other nutrients from fruits and veggies. They are both packed…
- June 24, 2009
Although the chocolate is imported from many locations in the world, it is in fact manufactured in the USA. … The beans are from Indonesia and Amano backs up their statement with their Single Origin Guarantee. … It is indeed bitter like most dark chocolate but not too bitter like many out there.
- February 13, 2009
Vegan, fair-trade and organic chocolate-coated sandwich cookies pretty much summarizes what Leafygreen.info is all about. … Dark chocolate that just melts in your mouth reveals a vegan stuff cr?me inside surrounded by more chocolate (as in the cookie).
- June 11, 2008
Equal Exchange offers a lot of fair trade products such as coffee, tea and chocolate. … Equal Exchange redesigned their website?s store and made it more web friendly, so go check it out.
- June 5, 2008
There is no way I could have been disappointed with two of my favorite things mixed together. The creamy peanut butter blended with the sweet white chocolate and just melted…
- February 18, 2008