Sustainable Happenings Lately
Hi All! It’s been a while since I’ve checked in on this site. Sorry about that! I caught two different colds within three weeks and that really knocked me out. However, my absence has also been for good reason. I’ve been exploring other avenues for growing Leafygreen.info besides just blogging on this site. There have been several companies I’ve reached out to for collaborations and I hope we can both provide great sustainable info to all my readers.
I have also been doing a lot of contribution writing for some outdoor and sustainable brands. I’ll be sure to share the article links when they are live! I have also been doing lots of article writing for Leafygreen.info. Also, I have some great articles coming up about thrift store finds, zero waste sickness survival kit and being a sustainable wedding guest. I am also looking to connect with more sustainable people outside of the internet. If you know any green/sustainable groups in or near central/north New Jersey please comment below.
Back in January I attended a presentation about rain gardens at my local library. It was a really informative event! Learning about rain gardens at the event really made me consider adding one on my property. Especially since it will help me prevent having to cut the lawn as an extra benefit. Here is a wonderful recap of the entire event sponsored by the Rahway River Watershed Association.
I did a bit of maintenance on some of my indoor plants. The avocado tree I have been trying to grow was in need of a trim so it could then grow again stronger (or so says the plant guide I’m following). That little guy has come a long way from just a small pit, but I’m glad to be attempting to grow something awesome. Even if it never yields any fruit, it’s fun to learn!
With Earth Day less than a month away, I’ve begun filling my calendar to with eco-events to make sure I can attend. Have you planned your Earth Day yet? I plan to help pickup trash for a neighboring town at one of (they offer cleanup at several sites) their parks, as I did last year too.
Lots of great new opportunities are happening for Leafygreen.info and I plan to take you all along for the ride!
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