Sparq Soapstone Ice Rocks
I‘m very excited when I receive reusable products. These soapstone ice rocks from sparqusa.com are certainly a great product for their time saving help of not needing to refill ice cube trays or wait for water to freeze. I had always wondered if these stones are just as though you had a river rock in your glass and it was a bit similar to it, just in a smaller size.
I normally don’t like ice cubes in my drink because they dilute the beverage, however these never did such a thing. Though even with washing them before use they seemed to give my beverage (iced tea usually) a strange smell of the stones.
Unlike regular ice cubes these don’t float but sit in the bottom of the glass much like a true stone. So the only problem I found was when trying to finish my drink I was more afraid of the stones sliding down the glass and knocking me in my teeth. Not sure if that would be a concern for everyone else.
Overall the ice rocks which are made from soapstone did keep my drink cold for quite a long time and didn’t dilute it all of course. If you’d like to have a set of your own soapstone ice rocks head over to this eco friendly website supply sparqusa.com.
Tyler Belawske
August 30, 2011 at 1:11 pm
Eco Holiday Gift Guide: The Foodie - Leafygreen.info
December 18, 2013 at 7:02 am
I was wondering if you knew about SallyeAnder Soaps. They make an all natural handmade soap called Milk and Mint Soap. Oh man, its amazing, it cleans everything. It's chemical and toxic free so it is safe for all ages. I just wanted to recommend this soap to you because you are into green and organic items. I hope you enjoy it. I have been using it for almost 4 years. Maybe you could even blog about it one day? They even make an Organic Rose and Rosemary Soap too, that my wife loves.
[…] Sparq Soapstone Ice Rocks I’ve seen reusable plastic ice cubes before, but that weird blue slime inside always put me off from using them. Once I found out about the soapstone ice rocks from Sparq I thought they were fantastic. A non-chemical way to chill your favorite drink or whiskey, as they are also known as whiskey stones. I keep mine in the freezer at all times and have them ready if I need to cool down a drink. The best part about these is that they never dilute your drink, something I truly dislike about ice. They come in a set of 9 rocks in size small, set of 12 in mixed sizes and set of 8 in large size stones. They also come in their own metal case to store in your freezer, dishwasher and household cleaner safe. […]