Sparq Soapstone Ice Rocks

I‘m very excited when I receive reusable products.  These soapstone ice rocks from are certainly a great product for their time saving help of not needing to refill ice cube trays or wait for water to freeze.  I had always wondered if these stones are just as though you had a river rock in your glass and it was a bit similar to it, just in a smaller size.

I normally don’t like ice cubes in my drink because they dilute the beverage, however these never did such a thing.  Though even with washing them before use they seemed to give my beverage (iced tea usually) a strange smell of the stones.

Unlike regular ice cubes these don’t float but sit in the bottom of the glass much like a true stone.  So the only problem I found was when trying to finish my drink I was more afraid of the stones sliding down the glass and knocking me in my teeth.  Not sure if that would be a concern for everyone else.

Overall the ice rocks which are made from soapstone did keep my drink cold for quite a long time and didn’t dilute it all of course.  If you’d like to have a set of your own soapstone ice rocks head over to this eco friendly website supply