Purely Anion CFL
Ever see a CFL blow up? Well, I have and it ain’t pretty. I plugged the Purely Anion CFL into the light fixture and walked away. Two minutes later I smelled burning and heard a pop. That pop was my lamp smoking.
So I did not get to try this bulb, unfortunately, but it is a CFL with a negative ion generator built in.
Maybe you guys have had better luck?
Simply Beer
July 29, 2009 at 5:35 pm
July 30, 2009 at 3:12 pm
October 12, 2010 at 2:03 pm
October 12, 2010 at 2:18 pm
damn, good thing you didn't leave the house with your light on!
So True! It was scary, actually. I didn't want to burn my skin off by touching the innards of the CFL. Luckily I made it out alive!
I'm glad you experienced the issue too. The PR rep told me that they have never heard of the issue either. Thanks for the comment, Bulldozer
I’ve had 2 of these lights blow on me. The first one was scary. It was crackling and sounded like it was spitting. A blue white light was revolving with-in the base of the bulb. Eventually after 15/20 seconds it went out with a loud pop and I thought the bulb was exploding. Last night was my second CFL bulb. Same thing, snap, crackle and pop. The heat that is generated whilst this is happening also, I could feel heat at at 4 foot away(3+m). I stayed away from the bulb until I was sure it was finished with this electrical dance and un-plugged the lamp. Now this was a good 5 minutes later and the bulb & base was still quite hot.
After the first CFL went I called the maker of that bulb. “We’ve never heard of such a thing, You must have damaged it somehow”
These bulbs had been in use for several months in an out of the way position, in-doors as area lights.