Pirates Booty Caramel & Veggie
If you don’t know what Pirates Booty is by now, you should go to any grocery store and check it out. Do you know about all the fun flavors they have? Salt & Vinegar, Veggie, Caramel… there are so many and each of the flavors is different than the previous, yet they all have something in common. It’s that they are all good and healthy.
Pirates Booty is a snack that fills that need to crunch that we all have in our blood, but without the guilt. I’ll crunch to that mate!
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June 4, 2010 at 9:31 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Leafygreen.info, Leafygreen.info. Leafygreen.info said: Review posted:: Pirates Booty Caramel & Veggie http://leafygreen.christinatullo.com/food/snack-food-reviews/pirates-booty-caramel-veggie/ […]