Perfect Fit Organic Brown Rice Protein
Since learning more about fitness and healthy lately I have become interested in protein powder. Unfortunately most powders frighten me with their long list of unpronounceable ingredients, usually including sugar as the first ingredient. Perfect Fit Protein doesn’t include sugar, instead uses organic stevia (an all natural herbal sweetener), which helps to make the total amount of ingredients five, all of which are easily pronounceable. Including organic sprouted whole grain brown rice protein, organic vanilla flavor, organic guar gum (for thickening), organic stevia and sea salt.
Besides the basic amount of ingredients Perfect Fit is also gluten-free, vegan, Non-GMO, Kosher, non-fat, and many other benefits. Check their website for all the great benefits and recipe options on how to bake, cook and create great smoothies with their protein powder.
The directions say to use an entire packet in your beverage or recipe. I would say that is a bit much unless, you are making a large batch, as I used half packet the first time and that seemed to make it too chalky. Revising my measurements the next time I found that it was much better, I barely knew that I had added the powder. Since I was just looking to add some nutrition to my smoothie, not exactly the vanilla taste of the powder. I would really only use this powder to supplement my smoothie or cook with, not use it solely as a protein shake, as the flavor of the vanilla is not very strong.
Compared to other rice proteins the calories per serving a lower than others I have seen, and even less than double calories of common whey proteins. I would recommend Perfect Fit if you are looking for a healthier style rice protein, though don’t expect to enjoy a strong vanilla flavor.
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