Woot! My pedals are badass! I brought my bike into the shop to get a tune-up and the pedals installed and the kid behind the counter loved them too. Pedalite, makers of LED bike accessories, has a winner in the product line as far as I’m concerned.
The pedals have three LED lights on the side of them and shine brightly when they rotate. The pedals are based on kinetic energy and the white, orange and red lights really do stand out and make you visible to cars and other bikers.
But the pedals are not the only product Pedalite makes. They also have an Anklelite strap that not only keeps your pant leg down but also has a solar charging orange LED light that will either flash or stay solid.
I love my new pedals and ankle strap and I highly recommend both of these products to anyone.
1 Comment
Simply Beer
September 4, 2009 at 7:02 am
Those are damn cool! they make them for roller blades? lots of kinetic energy in the wheels…