ONE Amazon Acai Review

ONE Acai for me

There is a wonderful berry from the Amazon called the acai (pronounced Ah-sigh-ee and sometimes spelled acai). This superfood contains more antioxidants than pomegranates and is rich is Omega 3,6 and 9, as well as Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Acai is being dubbed “the wonderberry” due to its health benefits. Acai is known to combat aging, increase energy, boost the immune system, improve mental clarity, and detoxify the body.

ONE manufactures a nice blend of acai and acerola, an Amazonian cherry, and packages it in Tetra. This creamy beverage is not too bitter. Amazon Acai from ONE contains 99mg of Vitamin C, calcium, iron, fiber and of the 157 calories, only 25 are from fat.

ONE Acai for Sebastian

This healthy drink does indeed boost immune systems. I actually felt more energetic and lively soon after consuming the smooth beverage and my normal summer allergies subsided for a the better half of the day. Click to see the antioxidant chart of fruits. If that chart is not enough for you, click around that page to read more about acerola and here to read more about Omega 3, 6 and 9.

Just like ONE?s Coconut Water, I was very impressed by the Amazon Acai and I will continue to drink it. Goodbye allergies!

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