My Zero Waste Lifestyle Talk: August 9
Our society has gotten into the habit of relying on recycling as our solution to the non-organic materials we have created. With a recycling economy we are still delaying the inevitable that these types of materials that we are creating are still going to exist in the end. A zero waste lifestyle is much more in line with what would create less trash.
Recycling essentially downgrades material until it is of the poorest quality, which then results in it becoming trash. I suppose that is better than putting that item straight into the trash as virgin material, as linear society would do so.
I wish that in the future our society would be able to reach a circular economy so that as little as possible trash would be created. To accomplish that a lot more people would need to be educated about zero waste practices to help reduce their waste.
That’s why I’m teaming up with Green Summit NJ – a Summit, New Jersey community that is committed to keeping their town’s actions sustainable. They have monthly lectures, which discuss all different sustainable matters, such as recycling and upcycling, vegan cooking and create your own backyard garden.
My zero waste lecture will be on August 9 at 9:30am in Summit, New Jersey. I will mention about my ways of food shopping without packaging, to create a waste and plastic free experience. I’ll also share what you can do with hard to recycle items, which you may not be able to find package free near you. It’s all much easier than you think and just takes a little practice!
Hope to see you there! RSVP to the event here, to receive your complimentary zero waste mason jar at the event.
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