HankyBook The Evolution of the Hankerchief
This interesting little book was created by Leslie Uke, while she was an engineering student at UC Berkeley. Because of the unwanted leers she would receive in class when she would use her handkerchiefs since she didn’t think disposable tissues were eco-friendly for her constant runny nose. To avoid the issues of using a handkerchief that was considered unsanitary, Leslie created a book of mini-handkerchiefs that had a cover to it as well, so each time you would have a fresh new tissue to use. (Click here to watch a super cute video about her story) After searching far and wide for just the right fabric that is super soft and would withstand washing without fraying. This 100% organic cotton was used to create an 8 page book, as well as the cover to the book, I choose the White Paisley pattern. Once you’ve used up all the pages, hand wash and air dry or throw it in the washer and dryer with the rest of your laundry. It’s that easy and I love it!
I’ve used the Hankybook for a while now and just think it’s the bees knees (yes, I’m bringing that cool term back.) Just like Leslie, sometimes I have a runny nose and seems like it barely gets fully used, so the Hankybook has come in super handy. I even found it really useful to wipe up a sweaty cup ring. It absorbs water super fast and was still dry overall to be thrown back in my purse. To me it’s nice to know when it’s totally clean that I’ll always have 8 “tissues” available in my bag. This makes me happy to not have to remember if I’ve got a travel pack of tissues with me, besides saving tress. Now if I had a full on cold I think I would use the Hankybook because I’ve been known to go through lots of tissues, even when using them more than once. I would just need several Hankybooks to keep them in rotation.
At $7.95 (that’s $.99 a page), I think that is reasonable for tissues that last practically forever. It is offered in 8 different patterns in single or 3 packs. Sewn in San Diego, CA with fabric from Indonesia, certified by environmental standards. Sweat much at the gym? Hankybook can help! There are endless possibilities for it’s uses, so grab one and try it out. They are even offering a free Hankybook to anyone who downloads a free book by author Lester R. Brown, they’ve got just 61 Hankybooks left so hurry over to their website www.hankybook.com.
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