Goji Berries from Sunfood Nutrition Review
Sunfood Nutrition is the World’s Leading Source for Superfoods and Natural Lifestlye Products according to their website. The website, sunfood.com has an amazing selection of whole, natural and organic foods, natural lifestyle products, body care and more. One of the unique and interesting foods on the site are Goji Berries also known as Wolfberries. The Goji Berry is a Chinese berry similar to a cross between a cherry and a cranberry.
The Goji Berry is not known for its taste, rather, it is known for it’s nutritional values and medicinal purposes. Sunfood Nutrition‘s dried Goji Berries contain 18 kinds of amino acids, 8 essnetial amino acids, 21 trace minerals, B1, B2, B6 and vitamin E. It’s got a powerful kick of iron with about 11mg of iron per 100 grams of berry. It’s also contains an anti-aging polysaccharide. Rumor has it that Li Quin Yuen lived to be 252 years young.
As for the flavor of the berries. There really is not a distrinct flavor. It tastes very plain, dry, chewy and raw. They are not bad, but they are not like most other berries. These berries are not sweet, they are not sugary, they are not rich, nor tart. They are just plain. I’ve had them at work for the last few days and a few of my coworkers were indifferent, one did not like them at all. Last night, I asked 4 other people to try them. The opinion was similar. I did not mind eating them as I knew they were good for me nutrionally speaking, but my friends differed. One did not like the berries at all. Two said they were OK and the third liked them. The two friends who said they were OK said they tasted plain, but weren’t disgusted by them. The disliker said they left their mouth very dry and thirsty. The person who liked the berries said the same thing, he was thirsty and dry, but felt a boost of energy. He’s a vegetarian so the iron must have been working for him.
I am eager to make a banana smoothie or fresh fruit juice with some Goji Berries. I think that would be great. The mild dry flavor and the nutrional goodness will really add to form an awesome beverage.
Either way, you should check out sunfood.com and see what they offer. You may find something you like. And if you want to know more about Goji, read this wikipedia article or this from Sunfood.com
1 Comment
Randal Pike
August 30, 2008 at 9:20 am
Goji berries are Very powerful. We have found also that a lot of company's sell gojis that are moldy ie. black spots.