Fizzy Lizzy Northern Lights Cranberry
Gotta love these juices with sparkling water because they always seem to hit the spot. Super refreshing, Fizzy Lizzy Northern Lights Cranberry falls right in line with the rest. What more could you want than a drink that is 75% juice with the rest being seltzer? Nothing, I say. They also do not add any sugar or preservatives, so you don?t need to worry about what you?re drinking.
It?s nice to be able to pick up a drink without having to think about it and know you?re going to be happy and refreshed. Pick some up I say ? it?s definitely worth it.
1 Comment
the vegan blog tracker
February 8, 2008 at 11:28 am
Last night I was watching Dirty Jobs on the Discovery Channel. One of the segments was about cranberry farming, and here you are with a fizzy cranberry drink!