Ethletic Sneakers for Women
The Ethletic Sneakers are made from fair trade and sustainable materials such as sustainable harvested rubber. They are converse-looking low tops that are cute enough for me to try. I wore them for an entire day of shopping. After a few hours I felt the lack of arch getting to me. I toughed it out and did not resort to changing into my spare pair. I have since only worn these for an hour or two. I think that these flat shoes would be much more comfortable with arch insoles and will definitely give them another chance. They are cute, and green?who could ask for much more?
We have coupon codes for discounts if you are interested, so drop us an email or leave feedback.
Leslie @ The Oko Box
April 2, 2008 at 4:35 am
Helen Foster-Collins
May 13, 2008 at 4:04 pm
Helen Foster-Collins
May 13, 2008 at 4:10 pm
libby kandall
October 10, 2008 at 8:07 am
women's handbag
September 4, 2009 at 12:09 am
Weren't the orginal Chuck Taylors low on support too? I remember them having less insole then a bad pair of slippers 😉
I always had to adjust to my Converse, which usually took a week or two. But Organic Converse are just too cool !!! And unless you have special insole medical needs, it's totally worth it.
Hi, I would love a pair of these but have no idea where to buy them? (have been doing a google search with no luck so far..though it brought me to here so that is one good thing!). Discount codes would be fab also. I would really like some converse style boots/shoes for the summer which are eco-friendly and well-made (I used to live in those boots in my teenage years and yes they are low on support but otherwise so can feel the ground through them which I quite like, more in touch with nature 🙂 Cheers.
Ah heck, I feel silly now. I have just followed the handy link and found the shop right away! You’d think I was an internet newbie or something 🙂
please let me know how to buy dress shown on the view worn by maggie gillanhall.
thank you.
libby kandall 212 496 8818
Oh well, my colleagues have introduced an women's handbags discount online store. They said that price and quality are very good. Can you give me more suggestions?