Ecoroot Reusable Mesh Bags
These great bags from Ecoroot come in 3 different colors; blue, green and red and two different sizes; regular and large. All bags conveniently fold into a small pocket that is attached to the bag. I find this to be the biggest benefit of these bags, no longer needing to tote a full size bag through the store while you shop. They are all made from 100% recyclable polyester mesh fabric.
I had the opportunity to use both the regular and large size bags. The large bag is a great bag; it opens wide and holds its square shape, keeping many of the groceries stacked neatly. The large bag has nice trim piping along the edge, for a finished look. Once folded into its pouch their company logo of “paper, plastic or planet?” shows on the front in white. You can even order your custom logo in one color. All Ecoroot bags are completely washable, in the washing machine, dryer or top-rack dishwasher.
The regular size bags seem to be slightly different than the large size bags. They don’t have a square bottom, so the bags don’t stand up on their own. The only trim is on the top and bottom of the bag, so it doesn’t look as finished as the large size bag, which had it along the sides also. On the handles of the regular bag there are slits that seem to be button holes, though I’m not sure what these would actually attach to and the website doesn’t clarify, but I’m sure they could be useful if properly used.
Except for minor details in their differences, these bags are a great companion for grocery shopping. My favorite was the large green bag because of its square structure to hold many stacked groceries, finished trim, and of course its convenience of folding up oh so small.
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