EarthDrive Flash Drive
The EarthDrive from ATP is a small, lightweight and portable USB 2.0 Flash Drive. The flash drive is retractable to ensure that no damage to the USB connector is incurred from being put in a pocket or clipped onto something. I keep the flash drive attached to my keys and use it everyday. Unfortunately I think my use was somewhat excessive, the piece of plastic that allows you to retract the USB connector. I can still use my nail to push the connector out and when I plug the drive into the computer I have to keep my nail in the same place to prevent the connector from retracting. Also a piece on the corner broke off. The drive promises to be waterproof, so I accidentally dropped it into a cup of water, let it dry, and tested the drive to see if my information was still accessible. All of my data was still on the drive and copied to my laptop without a hiccup. The small blue light on the drive even lit up when I was transferring my data.
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