College Farm Organic Candy Review
College Farm Organic Candy from Elizabethtown, PA is one of the few organic candy companies out there. College Farm’s parent company Simon Candy started back in 1949 and has grown to include College Farm since their inception.
The candy is all natural. There are NO Artificial Preservatives, dyes, trans fats, gluten, nuts, cholesterol, soy, eggs and barely any sodium. All the 5 flavors are vegan except the Vanilla Caramel and Strawberry & Cream, which contain dairy, making them vegetarian. Soon, the recipe is going to change from the use of corn syrup to tapioca syrup taking away the glucose. Rejoice, all you food-allergic people.
The candy is tasty and low on calories. 3 individual candy pieces or 2 lollipops only contain 60 calories. The Vanilla Caramel is the only fatty candy. It has 1 gram per serving. That’s like .000000001% of your daily intake. The vienna roast has 4.5 mg of caffeine, the same amount as decaf-coffee. The coffee flavored candy is a perfect pick me up in the afternoon.
Aside from the unique flavors, these tasty sweet treats are wrapped in NatureWorks PLA which is a corn-based polymer. It’s biodegradable!!! So, after you unwrap your Tropical Treat Naturepop or Chocolate Mint Candy, don’t feel remorseful for throwing the garbage away. It will NOT fill the landfills.
You can purchase College Farm Organic Candies from retailers listed here or shop online from
So, please, check out College Farm Organic featuring Naturepops and more.
Technorati Tags: organic candy, lollipops
April 28, 2007 at 11:57 am
May 29, 2008 at 5:32 am
October 3, 2009 at 10:54 am
We bought method shower spray and started recycling today! Mike, your our savior!
I've been trying to find a UK outlet of these and cannot – do you have contact details for them so we can look at possibly stocking them here in the UK?
every food that we eat should come from Organic Farming. i really get scared about those toxins coming from chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides. I only eat foods which are certified that they are organically grown