L King Hoodie from OOM
In Honor of Black History Month…
Inspirational, sweatshop-free and organic are not usually phrases that are used in conjunction. In this case, the L King Hoodie from Oom is a trendy, slim fitting and unconventional item. The hoodie has a high collar and zips all the way up. The dark grey threads break up the black organic cotton hoodie with some stylish accents.
The cotton is soft and dark black. Inside the hood are inspirational words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I really love this sweatshirt and I actually wore it every day on my trip to Italy. It kept me warm under the Roman and Tuscan sun.
You can purchase it online from Green Is Black or if you live in Canada, stop by the store and try it before you buy it. Tell Kerry that Leafygreen.info sent ya.
I feel like I did not write enough about how I truly love this hoodie. It is the best hoodie, that I have ever owned and I proud to rock it almost daily. The words are inspirational, the fit is perfect, the weight is heavy, the color is dark and accented nicely from the stitching. It’s just amazing. I guess you wouldn’t know how I really felt, unless you clicked to read more. So congratulations and thanks for taking an interest in a truly amazing product!
February 7, 2008 at 8:55 pm
HTnaturals Bamboo Sweat Pants at Leafygreen.info: Green Product Reviews for a Green World.
February 21, 2008 at 7:00 am
I really enjoy reading your blog, it always has great insight. But I am very frustrated with the fact that so few people are talking about presidential candidates and their thoughts on global warming. Now that it is down to just a few candidates I would think that this would be a bigger issue.
Live Earth just picked up this topic and put out an article ( http://www.liveearth.org/news.php ) live earth is also asking why the presidential candidates are not being solicited for their stance on the issue of the climate change. I just saw a poll on http://www.EarthLab.com that says people care a lot about what their next leader thinks of global warming. Does anyone know of another poll or other results about this subject?
Here is the page where I saw the EarthLab poll: http://www.earthlab.com/life.aspx. This is a pretty legit website; they are endorsed by Al Gore and the alliance for climate protection and they have a carbon footprint calculator. Does anyone have a strong opinion about this like I do? No matter what your political affiliation is or who you vote for this is an important issue for our environment, our economy and for homeland security.
[…] these sweatpants and the L King Hoodie, throw back some organic beer and you are all set for a lovely evening of […]