Over the years, my collection of reusable items has continued to grow. Keeping what worked for me and passing along those that didn’t. There have been some truly standout items,…
Over the years, my collection of reusable items has continued to grow. Keeping what worked for me and passing along those that didn’t. There have been some truly standout items,…
As soon as I arrived at the NYC Green Festival in April, I made a beeline (pun intended) for the Bee’s Wrap booth. I found out about these nifty organic…
With the end of summer here I wanted to share some tips on backyard composting for the fall and winter that will surely benefit your garden come next year’s spring.…
When I was first presented a candle to review made by Caldrea, I was unsure what made a candle “eco-friendly.” Why would this candle be better for the environment than…
When Priscilla from Control n Roll contacted me about their eco-bathroom product, I had not considered that I was possibly being wasteful with my toilet paper use. At a very…
Founder of Wrappily Sara Smith and I think alike. I’ve also been guilty of trying to gently unwrap a gift with expectation of saving the wrapping paper instead of sending…
The Moso Bag Air Purifying Bag (200g) is an air filter that covers 90 square feet. The Moso Bag (500g) covers 250 feet. It is in a mesh bag which…
Of all the reviews I’ve written so far, this one has probably done the most good for the people, the earth and humanity. Registered UK charity, The Earth Education Project…
How many times have you wanted to make a salad or eat your favorite vegetable only to find that the moment you open your fridge, get out the bag, and…