Leafygreen.info is not my day job, as some of you may know. In fact, I’m a Network/Systems Admin and I use a Mac. I love Apple’s products and stand by…
Ever see a CFL blow up? Well, I have and it ain’t pretty. I plugged the Purely Anion CFL into the light fixture and walked away. Two minutes later I…
- July 29, 2009
SimpleTech, recently acquired by Hitachi, makes a solid, quiet, easy to use hard drive. That pretty much sums it up, but I’ll go into some detail. Most hard drives are…
- May 4, 2009
I’m not sure what is so green about Innovolt’s Current and Voltage Surge Suppressor, also known as CVSS, but I can tell you one thing; it’s the most intelligent Surge…
- April 8, 2009
Trying out ginx mobile # how’s everyones Friday the 13th? # @ginx can i get an invite # http://tinyurl.com/8ufgq9 # help us green the bathroom! http://tinyurl.com/9lf8e5 # RT @HerbalWater: Herbal…
- February 14, 2009
Join us on Twitter . You can get the updates and some secret information too.
- January 10, 2009
The System Preferences for the new MacBook and MacBook Pro’s have gone green. Here’s our extra Leafygreen.info version of what they look like.
- October 23, 2008
I normally get about a week out of them in my wireless mouse, then I?ll plug them into my USB ports on my Mac and in about 5 hours they are charged. … The five hour charge on a USB port is long, but do it overnight, it will stop charging when it is full charged.
- June 6, 2008
I’m trying something new, so please join my Newsletter. I’m going to send out an email once in a while of what’s new at Leafygreen.info. I, obviously, will not resell…
- October 15, 2007