I’m not sure what is so green about Innovolt’s Current and Voltage Surge Suppressor, also known as CVSS, but I can tell you one thing; it’s the most intelligent Surge…
Trying out ginx mobile # how’s everyones Friday the 13th? # @ginx can i get an invite # http://tinyurl.com/8ufgq9 # help us green the bathroom! http://tinyurl.com/9lf8e5 # RT @HerbalWater: Herbal…
- February 14, 2009
Join us on Twitter . You can get the updates and some secret information too.
- January 10, 2009
The System Preferences for the new MacBook and MacBook Pro’s have gone green. Here’s our extra Leafygreen.info version of what they look like.
- October 23, 2008
I?ve been using it regularly and it works really well, so I was excited to try the teapot . … The teapot does not whistle, so you really have to watch the water boil which isn?t too fun. The remaining water in the pot stays hot after you pour your cup for tea, well if it hasn?t boiled over. I am still using the teapot , but I know how it works, so be warned.
- July 28, 2008
SafeHome Duo is an air filter for your home?s HVAC unit but it?s different than your average filter. … The wire frame is actually inside the filter and it?s not visible because it?s hidden inside the multiple layers of both allergen and pollution trapping filters. I do not want to get into the tech specs of the SafeHome Duo , but I think it works.
- July 21, 2008
You can purchase the Natural Value Garbage Bags all over, as well as from Let?s Go Green . Let?s Go Green also has a ton of other products for sale and offer fundraising options for your local community projects.
- June 12, 2008
I normally get about a week out of them in my wireless mouse, then I?ll plug them into my USB ports on my Mac and in about 5 hours they are charged. … The five hour charge on a USB port is long, but do it overnight, it will stop charging when it is full charged.
- June 6, 2008
For the last few years, I have been using garbage bags made out of recycled plastic and they work just as well as virgin plastic. … The bags that I am using are much thinner than your normal virgin or recycled plastic bags, yet they hold up with the normal household garbage.
- May 20, 2008