A?ai is known to combat aging, increase energy, boost the immune system, improve mental clarity, and detoxify the body.ONE manufactures a nice blend of a?ai and acerola, an Amazonian cherry, and packages it in Tetra…. If that chart is not enough for you, click around that page to read more about acerola and here to read more about Omega 3, 6 and 9.Just like ONE?s Coconut Water, I was very impressed by the Amazon A?ai and I will continue to drink it.
Beverage Reviews
I?ve talked about hint water before, it?s filtered water flavored with just a hint of fruits or vegetables. The pear is no exception. Mild, minimal flavor, and thirst quenching, the…
- August 24, 2007
Combine fruit juice and sparkling water and what do you get? A healthy alternative to soda. Izze produces a drink very similar to soda, but without all the bad stuff…
- August 22, 2007
It contains electrolytes, regulates the functioning of the intestine, helps hydrate the skin, and keeps the body cool.ONE also has an A?ai drink which I’m going to review in the future. You can purchase online, Whole Foods, Ralph’s, Larry’s and more.Check out onenaturalexperience.com for more information and click here for more ONE reviews on Leafygreen.info.
- August 22, 2007
I love the sweet honey and the minty coolness blended together with the organic cane sugar…. The sugar free tea is not organic (it contains Splenda), but the Organic Mint & Honey is obviously organic.
- August 14, 2007
The organic black tea and cane sugar tastes like sweet tea?s supposed taste, but what do I know, I’?m from Jersey…. It?s a great pick me up or a even better way of relaxing on those hot summer days.Sweet Leaf is found in all Whole Foods Markets and other fine retailers.
- August 14, 2007
Before I tell you about the health benefits of hemp milk, I?m going to give you some background on Manitoba Harvest…. Manitoba Harvest does not just produce Hemp Milk, they also produce shelled hemp nuts, hemp seed oil and hemp protein powder.Manitobaharvest.com contains more information, locators and an online store too.
- August 7, 2007
As we posted back in March, Kombucha is a new all natural, interesting and unique energy drink but with a twist…. Check out the article here and read more about the Leafygreen.info review by clicking this link.
- August 4, 2007
My late twenties have brought physiological changes that were unexpected.Utilizing organic black tea and organic cane sugar Original Sweet Leaf Tea Sweet Tea is quite sweet, 17 grams of sugar sweet.I was more partial to the Peach Sweet Leaf Sweet Tea…. It was more to my liking.Sweet Leaf Sweet Tea is a great product made by great people that Mike and I had the pleasure of meeting at the Fancy Food Show at the Javits Center a few weeks ago.Check out sweetleaftea.com for more information.
- August 1, 2007