After reading and learning about the chlorine in our water system, I became interested in getting a filter for my shower. When we shower, we wind up breathing in and…
Grower’s Secret recently introduced their Grow Big 521. It is a lavender scented fish emulsion that is used to help your garden grow faster and healthier…
Womb Apparel’s Human Race T-Shirt is likely one of the shirts that I wear that gets the most compliments. It’s a checkbox selection for Racial Category with Human being checked…
CleanCut is an automatic paper towel dispenser. It uses LED technology so you won’t have to constantly wave your hand in front of it to get the sensors to pick…
Bite-Lite’s candles claim to be one of the greenest on the market and are based on a cloak and scatter technology. They smell lighter than traditional citronella candles aren’t made from…
Eco-Me’s Laundry Soap “Emma” is 100% chemical free and natural. It contains no chemicals, dye or preservatives. According to “Emma” natural means, “Pure ingredients that won’t harm our waterways, our…
Swipes Lovin wipes are a personal hygiene wipe. They claim to be, “…the first all natural and eco friendly adult wipe intended to freshen up before and clean up after…