Apple Ships Green is not my day job, as some of you may know.  In fact, I’m a Network/Systems Admin and I use a Mac. I love Apple’s products and stand by them except for things like what you will read and see below.  I needed to order a few mini display adapter to VGA for connecting new iMacs to a projector and I ordered them via Apple’s service center.  If you ever brought your computer to an Apple Store, this is what they do for parts and iPod/iPhone replacements.

Anyway, the parts I ordered are about 5 inches long and weigh maybe 3 ounces.  They shipped them in one box as you can see below but what a waste of packaging.  Apple claims to be all green, with the MacBooks, the recycling your old stuff, the you name it, but jeeeez, this is kind of bullshit.  Someone needs to fix this waste.

This was not a freak incident either, this has happened to me a few times before, but for some reason, it really bothered me last week.




So what we have is a big box with foam,a sheet of paper and three air bubble mailers.  Inside the mailers was another sheet of paper and the adapters.

On a good note, I used the box and foam to ship back my SIGG bottles (all three) since they lied and their bottles had BPA.

Maybe I should change the post title to SIGG and APPLE FAIL.

Sorry for the non product review, but I figured this story had to be told.  What do you think?